4 Pioneertown Ceremonial Mayoral Election Center – 2023 Election Time

Pioneertown Ceremonial Mayoral Election

Candidate Signup: 9/01/2024 – 12/15/2024 | Voting: 11/17/2024 – 12/31/2024


Ceremonial Mayor


Ceremonial Deputy Mayor


Ceremonial Mayor

Calico Cairn

Ceremonial Deputy Mayor

Harry T. Cactus

Ceremonial Mayor

Black Dog

Ceremonial Mayor

2022 mayoral inauguration ceremony during Pioneertown’s 75th anniversary celebration.

Left – Black Dog and family receiving his mayoral badge.
Right – Sam after receiving his deputy mayor badge.

Voters: Anyone, Anywhere, can vote. Everyone receives one free vote. If you would like to increase your favorite candidate’s chances of winning, you may buy votes. Votes are $3 for 3 votes. All proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Pioneertown (501c3) to help preserve Pioneertown and Pioneertown’s history.

Results: The winner of the 2024 Ceremonial Mayor will be announced on 01/03/2024.

Prizes: The winner receives bragging rights. That is it. Ceremonial Mayor has no power and does not get paid.

Purpose: The Pioneertown Mayoral Election is just for fun and to highlight and unique community of Pioneertown. The voting process is also a fundraising event to help collect funds for the Friends of Pioneertown (501c3) to help them preserve the history and historic structures in the community of Pioneertown.

Candidates: Candidates must live or exist in the 92268 zip code. Candidates may be any genus, species, domain, kingdom, phylum, division, class, order, family, race, ethnicity, color, two legs, four legs, no legs, etc. If he, she, or it resides in Pioneertown (92268), they are eligible. For human candidates, there is a $25 nomination fee. For non-human, animal, vegetable, or mineral may enter at no change using the coupon code “Cacti” at checkout. You will need to enter credit card information, but the charge will be $0.00.

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